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Domiziano Maselli - Ashes / 2018


Ashes, residues, traces, something that is exhausted and yet subsists, which is fading away and from which something else, new and vital, will arise: a passage.

Ashes by Domiziano Maselli is an audiovisual project born of organic research. The work developed over time as a search for form, which, starting from drawing, monotypes and videos, finds a dual identity, between symbolic and free interpretation.

Just as video and digital animated images are derived from a concrete visual search, the musical composition moves between electronic processing of synthesizers and sound samples, to include instrumental performances swinging between assonance and dissonance.

The maximal and the minimalist.


01 - From the Void

02 - Cenere I

03 - Cenere II

04 - About Light

05 - The Fall

06 - Breathlessness

07 - The Fall and the Rise

08 - á¼”ρημος

09 - Remains


Credits: Written, produced, performed & recorded by Domiziano Maselli

Arrangements - Domiziano Maselli, Alessio Iachelini

Voices - Gloria Croce, Gloria Signoria Strings - Gloria Croce, Samuel Flora,

Alessio Iachelini, Clarissa Tamoni, Giovanni Macchiaverna, Luca Miranda

Drums - Tommaso Frigerio and Fabrizio Capone

Mastered by Emilio Pozzolini at Blau studio, Milan

Artworks & Graphics - Domiziano Maselli

Recorded between 2015 and 2017.


CD & Digital - (OPAL126) - Released 19 July 2018





Norman Records


"One of the most compelling things music can do is tell a story, and it's a story you'll find among Domiziano Maselli's Ashes. Noise and static gives way to throbbing bass which is joined by momentous drums. It's difficult not to imagine a journey when listening to this. And like any good journey, the joy at its end is overwhelming."




"Il sound artist italiano punta a inscenare un ipotetico passaggio di stato mediante una trasfigurazione libera e mutabile tra ciò che svanisce e ciò che rinasce, alimentando un concept pregevole sul tempo e sulla decadenza della materia."

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